Monday, January 11, 2010

New Baby Preparations!

We've been busy getting ready for Josh's arrival. I finally finished Abby's quilt right before Christmas (which was my goal). I thought it turned out really great and was very proud of myself. I had some guidence and help from my friend Robyn, otherwise it never would have happened!! We've been preparing Abby as much as we can for the life change ahead of us all but only time will tell how she will react. We did go to a sibling preparation class at the hospital so she got to see where Josh will be born, where mommy will be staying and got some pointers on taking care of baby. She really enjoyed being at the hospital but was sad that we didn't get to take Josh home! We are also finished with Josh's room finally. I am really happy with how it turned out! My amnio is on the 19th and then we will know when I can schedule my c-section.

Looking at the babies

The nightstand that Abby helped me paint

1 comment:

Rendi said...

Love the room and way to go on the quilt! I am impressed! Can't wait to meet little Josh!