Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Abby started pre-school at the Goddard School in Leander today. She will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 1. She and I are both excited!! Seeing as how Antony travels some and we don't have family in the area, Abby and I have been pretty attached to each other the last 3 years. Though I wouldn't trade that for anything, I think we were both ready for a little separation!! There was no crying or sadness this morning. She was ready and after dropping her off I think I was on a "freedom high"! I had prepared her as much as I could since she likes routine and to know what is coming. I had gone through the schedule of her day with her and she was excited. She and I both really like her teacher, Miss Katie, so that is always a good thing.

For whatever reason she wanted her lunchbox on the ground!

Abby and Miss Katie saying bye to me!


The Schneiders said...

Yea for keeping your blog updated! You're on a roll.
: ) I love Abby's pack pack... I'm sure she's gonna love it!

Robyn said...

Still waiting..... :-)