Sunday, October 26, 2008

Early Halloween Fun

We've already gotten a good head start on a very fun halloween. Saturday we went to Sweetberry Farm's annual pumkin patch in Marble Falls and then to a halloween party that night. Abby loved the pumpkin patch. She searched for Daddy in the maze and painted a very pretty pumpkin. She really liked dressing up as Minnie Mouse for the party that night. She was very curious about all the people in costume (especially a big gingerbread man) but she had a great time! She liked her costume so much that when we were getting dressed for church tonight she asked to wear her "minnie clothes". She is going to love Trick-or-Treating on Friday so we're looking forward to it! (FYI-The glasses are not part of the Minnie costume. She got them at Dairy Queen in Marble Falls and thought they were cool and has hardly parted with them since. She had Minnie ears but wanted nothing to do with them!)

Looking for daddy in the maze

Painting my pumpkin


Baby Kase as chewbacca

Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia

On the hayride

The BIG somewhat unsettling (to Abby) gingerbread man

Daddy is playing one of the games


At the end of a fun day I'm still looking cool!


The Schneiders said...

FINALLY! : ) I'm so glad to see your update. Cute pics.

Robyn said...

OK, I hope your computer is all ready to keep us updated this year. :-)