Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Abby started pre-school at the Goddard School in Leander today. She will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 1. She and I are both excited!! Seeing as how Antony travels some and we don't have family in the area, Abby and I have been pretty attached to each other the last 3 years. Though I wouldn't trade that for anything, I think we were both ready for a little separation!! There was no crying or sadness this morning. She was ready and after dropping her off I think I was on a "freedom high"! I had prepared her as much as I could since she likes routine and to know what is coming. I had gone through the schedule of her day with her and she was excited. She and I both really like her teacher, Miss Katie, so that is always a good thing.

For whatever reason she wanted her lunchbox on the ground!

Abby and Miss Katie saying bye to me!

Clara's 3rd Birthday Party

We've been "Fancy Nancied"

Kiss Me

Clara is in the tiara and is blowing out her candles!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Our Beautiful 3 year old in Downtown Liberty Hill

(in mid-jump)

This is an Abby expression. I love it!

Abby's 3rd birthday pary

July 3, 2009

On the berm watching the game

If you look closely you can see Antony carrying Abby as she is suppose to be running on the field. All birthday parties get to run on the field with Spike in the bottom of the 3rd inning. How fun!

Abby and D-daddy. That is the Express baseball that the people at the ball field gave to her.


Big girl bed

June 30, 2009

We finally got her bed together! I had my great, great grandparents bed from the early 1900s restored for Abby. The people that restored it also found me a dresser that looks like it was made to match the bed. Abby is so excited about her new big bed and she seems so much more comfortable. My friend Robyn and I are working on the quilt that will go on her bed. Hopefully we will get it done before Abby leaves for college!!!

Sea World

June 29, 2009

We had been wanting to take Abby to Sea World for awhile and finally made it happen. It was so fun even though the temperatures were in the 100s. Abby got to ride several of the rides and the little Shamu express roller coaster. She also loved all of the shows and really had a great day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Day

Look what the Easter Bunny brought!

Easter Eggs

Fossil Rim

Fossil Rim is located in Glen Rose, Texas (about 1 hour outside of Fort Worth). It is 1700 acres of land filled with thousands of animals. We had a blast!! I highly recommend going!!
Our tour bus....you can drive your own car but we chose the guided tour.



Mountain goat
The Giraffs were amazing!!!!

That's me feeding a giraff out of my hand.

Red Deer female

Red Deer Buck

Abby with food...her favorite part was throwing the food from the bus!


Feeding the fish and turtles at the pond.